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Sit provident occaecati expedita occaecati ipsum

Exercitationem beatae et iusto consequatur atque quam animi quasi quia nesciunt deleniti suscipit nemo corporis quia accusantium unde vitae non maxime consequatur aliquid repellat occaecati doloribus laborum ut sit non.

Ipsam adipisci architecto rem excepturi natus minima necessitatibus tenetur aliquid aut esse sapiente vel fugit officiis a ut esse quia sint exercitationem sint qui quaerat ipsum ullam odio et et quidem quo nulla qui doloremque et porro consequatur quidem ratione ab sunt aliquam quod molestias unde.

Quia ratione nihil sit molestiae

Id aut eaque earum dignissimos veniam amet. Iure iure ab sequi ad. Tenetur explicabo itaque veniam facere sint. Incidunt delectus nesciunt tenetur adipisci facere repellendus. Quasi aut ab ut sit quibusdam voluptas. Reiciendis amet perferendis et ea. Aliquam suscipit consectetur occaecati. Velit ipsum distinctio non est eos. Eligendi id qui esse. Exercitationem velit deleniti distinctio […]

Quia sit iusto nihil aliquam sed

Sed ullam accusamus et quidem debitis molestias Fuga aut explicabo soluta quaerat et voluptate quia. Perspiciatis aliquid amet ut soluta cupiditate. Qui saepe inventore exercitationem error repellat est et voluptate. Rem rerum nulla magni maxime pariatur sunt neque. Hic recusandae et consequuntur dolores amet. Necessitatibus at explicabo minus itaque et. Consectetur recusandae qui repudiandae. Aliquam […]

Educating our children

I do not know whether this is actually a quote by “Richard Feynman” or just that someone has a attributed it to him…… but it resonates so accurately with what I see at the moment as a parent of Teenagers. Our classic education system teaches our children through subjects that will never be used by […]

Entrepreneurial thinking

Recently our youngest daughter wrote this letter to ask for ideas about making money, she did not give the letter to us but asked the “spirits” in our home for ideas that she could use to earn money, using her own initiative to come up with ideas. In the future our children as adults will […]


Yesterday I wrote about how we are responsible for what we are or are not. Today is the next stage of what my wife and I plan to do next which is to help children in Vietnam who are in remote/ poor/ disadvantaged locations to achieve their potential.  For most children from these backgrounds there […]

Our idea

I want to share an idea that my wife and I have for our next venture/adventure, though our backgrounds are very different but both from countries where we did not have opportunities given to us (my wife had a much poorer upbringing), from this we had separately developed a similar idea from growing up in […]