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Our Choices are our Reality

A colleague of mine recently shared this on LinkedIn, it is a very strong message to all of us that I want to share. Question: How often have you “not” done something because of reasons that are “Outside of your control”? I would love to know from our colleagues and students whether this is you? […]

Winter Discipline

I can only speak for myself when I say that I struggle in the change from Autumn to Winter to have the same level of drive and enthusiasm that I have through the warmer months. The shorter days mean that I seem to get less done (perceptively, as I still do the same work) than […]

Learning to Draw

Our youngest daughter recently drew us a picture from learning to draw eyes watching a Youtube video on drawing eyes including this video: There are so many resources available to you to learn anything you wish to become educated with, below is the result of Tam spending a few hours “brushing” (no pun intended) up […]